DiffErential attainment and Factors AssoCiated with Training applications and Outcomes (DE FACTO) Study: Plastic Surgery in the United Kingdom
Grover, S. et al
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
February 2025
Language of primary medical qualification and differential MRCGP exam attainment: an observational study
Tzortziou Brown, V. et al
British Journal of General Practice
February 2025
Unequal Treatment? Access to medicine for socio-economically disadvantaged students
Woolf, K. et al
Sutton Trust website
February 2025
Does training less-than-full-time predict performance at the FRCR exams?: a UKMED cohort study
Pakpoor, J. et al
Clinical Radiology
February 2025
Differential attainment at national selection for higher surgical training: a retrospective cohort study
Ellis, R. et al
BMJ Open
January 2025
Big data analysis: examination of the relationship between candidates’ sociodemographic characteristics and performance in the UK’s Membership of the Royal College of Physicians Part 1 examination.
Johnston, P.W., Vieira, R., Cameron, I.M. et al.
Adv in Health Sci Educ
December 2024
Fostering Potential: 10 years on from Selecting for Excellence
Fletcher, E., Garrud, P., Krstic, C. and Owen C.
Medical Schools Council website
December 2024
The impact of disability on recruitment to higher surgical specialty training: A retrospective cohort study
Ellis, R. et al
The Surgeon
December 2024
DiffErential attainment and Factors AssoCiated with Training applications and Outcomes (DE FACTO) study: Trauma & Orthopaedic surgery in the UK
Raj S, Grover S, Spazzapan M, et al.
Bone Jt Open
August 2024
Differential attainment and factors associated with training applications and outcomes: Urology in the United Kingdom
Martina Spazzapan, Sarika Grover, Siddarth Raj, Beth Russell, Sachin Malde, Stella Vig, Simon Fleming
August 2024
New evidence on the validity of the selection methods for recruitment to general practice training: a cohort study
Paul A Tiffin, Emma Morley, Lewis W Paton, Fiona Patterson
July 2024
The validity of the selection methods for recruitment to UK core psychiatry training: cohort study
Tiffin PA, Morley E, Paton LW, Chakraborty N, Patterson F.
BJPsych Bulletin
March 2024
Determining the distance patterns in the movements of future doctors in UK between 2002 and 2015: a retrospective cohort study
Hitchings L, Fleet B, Smith DT, et al
BMJ Open
February 2024
Is the awarding gap at UK medical schools influenced by ethnicity and medical school attended? A retrospective cohort study.
Brown C, Goss C, Sam AH
BMJ Open
December 2023
How do the post-graduation outcomes of students from gateway courses compare to those from standard entry medicine courses at the same medical schools?
Elmansouri A., Curtis S., Nursaw C., Smith D.
BMC Medical Education
May 2023
Institutional choice among medical applicants: a profile paper for The United Kingdom Medical Applicant Cohort Study (UKMACS) prospective longitudinal cohort study.
David Harrison, IC McManus, Eliot L Rees, Katherine Woolf
BMJ Open
September 2022
Factors associated with declaration of disability in medical students and junior doctors, and the association of declared disability with academic performance: observational study using data from the UK Medical Education Database, 2002–2018 (UKMED54)
Michael J Murphy, Jon S Dowell, Daniel T Smith
BMJ Open
April 2022
Situational judgement test performance and subsequent misconduct in medical students.
Tiffin, PA, Sanger, E, Smith, DT, Troughton, A, Paton, LW.
Medical Education
March 2022
Differential attainment at MRCS according to gender, ethnicity, age and socioeconomic factors: a retrospective cohort study
Ricky Ellis, Peter A Brennan, Amanda J Lee, Duncan SG Scrimgeour, Jennifer Cleland
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
February 2022
Differences in progression by surgical specialty: a national cohort study.
Carla Hope, Jonathan Lund, Gareth Griffiths, David Humes
BMJ Open
February 2022
Can achievement at medical admission tests predict future performance in postgraduate clinical assessments? A UK-based national cohort study.
Lewis W Paton, C McManus, Kevin Yet Fong Cheung, Daniel Thomas Smith, Paul A Tiffin
BMJ Open
February 2022
Does performance at the intercollegiate Membership of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons (MRCS) examination vary according to UK medical school and course type? A retrospective cohort study.
Ricky Ellis, Peter A Brennan, Duncan S G Scrimgeour, Amanda J Lee, Jennifer Cleland
BMJ Open
January 2022
Predictive validity of A-level grades and teacher-predicted grades in UK medical school applicants: a retrospective analysis of administrative data in a time of COVID-19
I C McManus, Katherine Woolf, David Harrison, Paul A Tiffin, Lewis W Paton, Kevin Yet Fong Cheung, Daniel T Smith
BMJ Open
December 2021
Personal characteristics associated with progression in general surgery training: a longitudinal cohort study
C Hope, H Boyd-Carson, H Phillips, G Griffiths, D Humes, J Lund
Bulletin of The Royal College of Surgeons of England
August 2021
Personal Characteristics Associated with Progression in Trauma and Orthopaedic Specialty Training: A Longitudinal Cohort Study
Carla Hope, David Humes, Gareth Griffiths, Jonathan Lund
Journal of Surgical Education
July 2021
Does performance at medical school predict success at the Intercollegiate Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) examination? A retrospective cohort study.
Ricky Ellis, Duncan S G Scrimgeour, Peter A Brennan, Amanda J Lee, Jennifer Cleland
BMJ Open
July 2021
The impact of disability on performance in a high-stakes postgraduate surgical examination: a retrospective cohort study.
R Ellis, J Cleland, DSG Scrimgeour, AJ Lee, PA Brennan
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
July 2021
Predictors of ophthalmology career success (POCS) study
Aditi Das, Daniel Smith, Rashmi G Mathew
BMJ Open Ophthalmology
July 2021
Uncovering trends in training progression for a national cohort of psychiatry trainees: discrete-time survival analysis
Milou E.W.M. Silkens, Shah-Jalal Sarker, Asta Medisauskaite
BJPsych Open
June 2021
Is Academic Attainment or Situational Judgement Test Performance in Medical School Associated With the Likelihood of Disciplinary Action? A National Retrospective Cohort Study
Sam, Amir H, Bala, Laksha, Westacott, Rachel J., Brown, Celia
Academic Medicine
June 2021
Development of a UKMED multidimensional measure of widening participation status.
Paul Lambe, Martin Roberts, Tom Gale, David Bristow
March 2021
Performance at medical school selection correlates with success in Part A of the intercollegiate Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) examination
Ricky Ellis, Peter Brennan, Duncan SG Scrimgeour, Amanda J Lee, Jennifer Cleland
Postgraduate Medical Journal
March 2021
Could the UK Foundation Programme training post allocation process result in regional variations in the knowledge and skills of Foundation doctors? A cross‐sectional study
Christopher Beck, Celia Brown
Health Science Reports
November 2020
‘10% of your medical students will cause 90% of your problems’: a prospective correlational study
Marina Sawdon, JC McLachlan
BMJ Open
November 2020
Differential attainment in the MRCPsych according to ethnicity and place of qualification between 2013 and 2018: a UK cohort study
Paul Tiffin, Lewis Paton
BMJ Journals
September 2020
Calculated grades, predicted grades, forecasted grades and actual A-level grades: Reliability, correlations and predictive validity in medical school applicants, undergraduates, and postgraduates in a time of COVID-19
Chris McManus, Katherine Woolf, Dave Harrison, Paul Tiffin, Lewis Paton, Kevin Yet Fong Cheung, Daniel Smith
June 2020
A comparison of undergraduate outcomes for students from gateway courses and standard entry medicine courses
Sally Curtis, Daniel Smith
BMC Medical Education
January 2020
Are there differences between those doctors who apply for a training post in Foundation Year 2 and those who take time out of the training pathway? A UK multicohort study
Jennifer Cleland, Gordon Prescott, Kim Walker, Peter Johnston, Ben Kumwenda
BMJ Open
November 2019
A sequential analysis of the specialty allocation process in the UK. Empirical evidence from the UKMED database.
Idaira Rodriguez Santana,Martin Chalkley
July 2019
Sociodemographic and educational characteristics of doctors applying for psychiatry training in the UK: Secondary analysis of data from the UK Medical Education Database project.
Lambe, P., Gale, T., Price, T., & Roberts, M. (n.d.).
BJPsych Bulletin
May 2019
Relationship between sociodemographic factors and specialty destination of UK trainee doctors: a national cohort study
Ben Kumwenda, Jennifer Cleland, Gordon Prescott, Kim Walker, Peter Johnston
BMJ Open
March 2019
Effect of sex on specialty training application outcomes: a longitudinal administrative data study of UK medical graduates
Katherine Woolf, Hirosha Jayaweera, Emily Unwin, Karim Keshwani, Christopher Valerio, Henry Potts
BMJ Open
March 2019
Geographical mobility of UK trainee doctors, from family home to first job: a national cohort study
Ben Kumwenda, Jennifer A Cleland, Gordon J Prescott, Kim Walker, Peter W Johnston
BMC Medical Education
December 2018
Impact of accelerated, graduate-entry medicine courses: a comparison of profile, success, and specialty destination between graduate entrants to accelerated or standard medicine courses in UK
Paul Garrud, Chris McManus
BMC Medical Education
November 2018
Evaluating the validity of the selection measures used for the UK’s foundation medical training programme: a national cohort study
Daniel Smith, Paul Tiffin
BMJ Open
July 2018
Relationship between sociodemographic factors and selection into UK postgraduate medical training programmes: a national cohort study
Ben Kumwenda, Jennifer A Cleland, Gordon J Prescott, Kim Walker, Peter W Johnston
BMJ Open
June 2018
Predictors of fitness to practise declarations in UK medical undergraduates
Lewis Paton, Paul Tiffin, Daniel Smith, Jon Dowell, Lazaro Mwandigha
BMC Medical Education
April 2018
Factors associated with junior doctors’decisions to apply for general practice training programmes in the UK: secondary analysis of data from the UKMED project
Thomas C. E. Gale, Paul J. Lambe, Martin J. Roberts
BMC Medicine
December 2017
The relationship between school type and academic performance at medical school: a national, multi-cohort study
Ben Kumwenda, Jennifer A Cleland, Kim Walker, Amanda J Lee, Rachel Greatrix
BMJ Open
September 2017